Profile Page Redesign.

New Profile View

New profile or "Pro Page" features a sidebar panel to introduce and make room for Custom Project Tabs. This was the main influence for the redesign. A way to organize your work. A portfolio approach for a much greater presentation.

Edit Profile | New "Featured" Tab

New "Featured Tab" offers a new way to wow 🤯visitors who come to your page. Choose a select few of your best or latest work to place in a featured slider. Great way to impress potential clients from the Webflow showcase.

Add New Tab

When you're in Edit Mode, click the blue plus icon for new options including Add New Tab to organize the work your want to share. For example if you want to separate your cloneable projects from your client work you can.

Add New Tab - Modal Window

In the modal window (creating a new tab), you can enter the name and below, scroll & check all the projects from your showcase that you want to add to it.

Edit Tabs

Simply hover over any of your current tabs to see the edit button to bring the modal back up. From there you can edit or delete that tab.

More coming soon.

I hope you have enjoyed this and maybe share some of the same hopes that we can one day get this with Webflow or at least a similar concept. I know, putting a team around this would have to be justified for Webflow as well so I imagine this feature as a benefit with the Pro Account plan. This would encourage users to upgrade if they aren't already on a Pro Plan or encourage ones that are to add to their portfolios.

What's next?

I will be adding more slides to this. I have some really cool ideas for it. You can see a Theme Button next to the edit button, so I imagine neat preset themes you can change for a little unique variation between pro users.

The About Tab will display all the info about the user from the current Profile Page such as Joined On date, Location Info, Contact Info, Links etc + a small bio & more. Anyway, that's all for now. Just wanted to share my ideas with you! Hope you are enjoying your weekday 😉!